Saturday, 13 September 2014
I actually remembered about this place.
I tried play testing Trancendensce Wars but the play testing didn't work out. I am fixing the game up and I am hoping for another go at it. Last week was Impossible Realities ( a gaming convention in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. I got to play games all week-end and that got me thinking aboutthe Cursed RPG again. I hope next year to run a few games of Cursed and Cursed of the Walking Dead there.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Hello again
Well I at least remembered about this site. I have been working on a second game, Transcendence Wars (working title), and I am going to try to play test it on the site. In a little while (a few month to a couple of years) I should have a copy online. I am still working on editing pictures for The Cursed RPG books, but much slower than I should.
Friday, 27 September 2013
Another update
I remembered this week.
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Fan written supplement.
I got an e-mail the other day from a fan who written a supplement for The Cursed RPG and was so excited. I hope to be able to put the supplement on my site soon. I will also update Cursed of the Walking Dead, I forgot about various secret societies mentioned in the main book and what happened to them in the zombie apocalypse. I also hope to write a supplement on secret societies in the world of the Cursed RPG.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
Stil kicking
I really don't check this page all that often. I keep forgetting I even have a blog. I am working on the next game. I should have a playtesting copy, if not a copy to put online, by the end of March. It will have character creation rules, rules for play (both of which are mostly copy and pasteed from Cursed but changed enough for the setting), and some background information. I am hoping to be able to get a group together and see what we can do with this before I put it up for public consumtion.
Friday, 21 December 2012
Well, it's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. I just put up a slightly updated version of Cursed of the Walking Dead to celebrate the end of the world. I have been busy with a move and Christmas so I haven't been working on the new game I am developing lately, but I still hope to have a playtestable version by March. It shouldn't be too hard, most of the nuts and bolts mechanics I am just copying and pasting from the Cursed RPG. I just figured if I updated my site (even if it is just slightly) I should put something in my blog. You know, let people know I made it to the end of the world relatively safe and sound. I hope that if anyone is reading this they are enjoying the game.
Monday, 6 August 2012
Big Photo Shoot
Well, I don't remember the last time I blogged. I actually forgot I had one. Anyway, today was a great New Brunswick day. By noon it was beautiful and sunny. This was good, because I had a big photo shoot for my game. A bunch of my friends got together to help me by modeling for pictures for me to edit and put into my book. We started at my sister's place and made a make-shift studio the night before. We got a bunch of pictures done there and then moved out to the Irving Nature Park (in Saint John. If you get a chance, everyone should check it out, it is beautiful). We BBQed and took a bunch more pictures. I like photography, but it has been a long while since I had that much fun taking pictures. We got a lot accomplished, I am really proud of us. I am grateful to all my friends who could show up to help me. Also, the player's book and GM book are back up. I am going to have a free copy with no images and offer donators edited and illistrated copies right away. I will put up an edited unillistrated copy for free when I get around to it, provided I get enough donations to get the book edited.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Back with a change
Well, it has been a while since I was here. I made a major change on my page. I took down the player's book and GM's book and put up a rules lite version of my game. Why did I do this you may ask. Well, I intent to put my game on Kickstarter to raise money for editing and printing a few copies off. I will look into setting up an account on Kickstarter and hopefully raise the money I need.
Friday, 6 May 2011
I am still working on it.
Hello everyone. I still don't know if people are reading this blog, but I recently got more enthusastic about this site. I was still working on fixing up the game, but had pretty much given up on the website. A few days ago I got an e-mail from someone who had found the site and who told me that he and his friends were enjoying the game and was lookingforward for me to get a better edited version online. This made my day. The other thing that got me excited about working on the game again is finding out that had a page for my game when I googled the Cursed rpg. Well, I have someone goingthrough and throughly editing my player's book at the moment (she has half the book done so far) and I am getting the GM book ready for a final edit (hopefully the person editing the first book will be willing to work on the GM book, she is doing a great job). I will post the edited versions once I get them done. It will probably be the end of the month for the player's book and I don't know when for the GM book. I will probably have a more edited version of the GM book up on the site before I have the final edited version. I think that is my biggest news for the game at the moment. Thanks to all the people who are enjoying what I got so far, and thanks to everyone who has e-mailed me about the game.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
I'm back.
Well, it has been a while since I wrote one of these blogs. I pretty much ignored the site since I wasn't getting any feed-back, but I am still working on the game... slowly. I spent the last month or two (I don't keep track of time well) slowly working on the zombie suppliment for my game. I am going to get back to editing my two main books, because I want finished products for November. I just found out (a few weeks ago) Steve Jackson from Steve Jackson Games is coming to Hal-con ( ). I want to have a finished copy so I can stalk and try to get him to take a quick look at it. I haven't cared much about doing this blog thing, but an old friend started doing a Discordian based blog and that got me missing ranting to myself on the internet. I realize that no one actually reads this, so I can say pretty much what I want. Unfortunately I don't usualy have that much to say. But I think I will keep up with this blog again, at least for a little while and hopefully it will help me keep motivated for working on my game.
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